Melanie Hooks
Audiobook Narrator
Classic Film Podcaster
Melanie Hooks started out spinning tales on playgrounds, the perennial ‘new kid’ as an Army brat.
She was not always truthful.
These days she’s found new audiences -- and a renewed respect for sources --
in podcasts (Classic Movie Recall), audiobooks as a narrator (Zombie hunters! Magical mafia!),
journalism (Pasadena’s, TV writing (Quarterfinalist for NBC Universal’s ‘Writers on the Verge,’ ‘Against the Code’) and features (‘Queen of Wishful Thinking’).
She loves classic film, comedy, sci-fi/fantasy and historical fiction. Someday she will figure out how to merge “Room with a View” with “Galaxy Quest”...and it will blow your mind!

Writing Projects at a Glance
Email inquiries welcome
Against the Code
One Hour Pilot
Currently in Competition
Hollywood 1929. Frances Marion, the town’s highest paid silent screenwriter, returns to MGM after burying her movie star husband and finds herself replaced by a 'Dialogue Director' a.k.a. James Forbes, failed Broadway playwright.
Soon she finds she has a fight on two fronts. Midwestern moralists begin banning MGM films, including Frances's latest, ‘The Pagan’ with gay Mexican star Ramon Navarro. It's the beginning of a much larger war to control what lives onscreen -- and whose stories are told....or silenced.
Queen of Wishful Thinking
Comedy Feature
Currently Seeking Representation
The life of Dani Rivers, a ‘good news’ reporter at the top of her game, becomes a series of increasing disasters after her husband’s girlfriend gives birth to their love child on live TV.
One of those disasters is named Storm Rockwell, the most successful YouTube tornado chaser ever to land in Des Moines, Iowa --
and he just won't leave.
Theater Reviews &
Historical Events Journalism
Lead Editor
For three years, I've covered the events and people of San Gabriel Valley, primarily as a cultural events writer. Groundbreaking new theater such as Kit Steinkellner's "Ladies" at Boston Court Pasadena, the work of life long architectural preservation advocate Robert Winter, and the determination of local small town mayor Dr. Marina Khubesrian to overcome state and voter indifference have all given my pen plenty of inspiration.
Classic Movie Recall
Great Dames
Classic Film Podcasts
Producer, Cowriter, Broadcaster
Great Dames, our newest show, features interviews with prominent film historians about the women behind the silver screen in its earliest days. You'd be surprised how many there were.
Classic Movie Recall, our flagship show, makes old standards come alive for the modern age as
L.A. on-air personality and author Lara Scott and
Academy award-winning filmmaker James Moll
sift through the Golden Age to find what makes famous films classics -- or not.

"That is the kind of woman that makes whole civilizations topple."
Ball of Fire
--Charles Brackett & Billy Wilder